Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas and......

to the World.

Some of the highlights of our 2009.

Andre is now in second grade and loving it. It has been fun to see him grow. We were reminded just how big he has gotten when he informed us the other day. We were eating dinner and he said, "wow I am turning into a man. I am starting to eat more and my legs are getting hairy." After we tried hard not to laugh we realized, wow you are getting bigger. I am not so sure about the man thing just yet, but, non the less, it is way to fast. He is into lots of different things. This year he has expressed interest in music and is asking Santa to bring him a guitar. He loves to draw. Also, on his Christmas list is an art set. I think that I am sensing a path his life might take. He also enjoys sports. His favorite, I think, is basketball and golf. I hope that tennis might be up there too!!! He most recently started hockey. I was so impressed at how fast he caught on. He started not even knowing how to skate and within a few weeks was a pro, (well not really, but very much improved). He also learned to fish and shoot his first BB gun this year and loved every minute of it...Thanks Uncle Lance for your part in that. Andre has developed a style all his own. We now have officially hit the stage where we fight over what clothes he wants to wear. If I had my wish I would pick out his wardrobe until he is married and then turn it over to his wife. With his new style he decided to grow out his hair. It took all summer for it to look good. Then recently he decided to cut it. After it was all done he look at me and I look at him and I think we both almost wanted to cry. We miss his shaggy hair, but do love his signature style. Andre has also learned to We have also seen Andre's testimony grow. He loves to read his scriptures and inspires us to do better at reading ours. A couple of Sundays ago he wanted to bare his testimony, but being my little perfectionist didn't dare. He told me he had to practice it some more before he got up there. Andre is such a great big brother he loves his sister so much and is very good to her. Andre has always been such a nice boy. We are always being told by others that he is so nice. I hope that he keeps that. We love him and enjoy the excitement he brings into our home.

Kendyl just turned 3 and is going on 16. In her words, she is "a little bit big." She loves to sing and dance around the house. It is so cute to hear her sing "Part of your world" from the Little Mermaid. She knows it by heart and actually has a good voice. Maybe her and Andre will have a brother-sister band someday. She also practices her curtsy and passe all over the house. One of her new loves is princesses. On any given time in our house she is either dressed up like one, playing with one, or singing the princess songs. Kendyl, much like Andre, has developed a style all her own and again I have to battle with her on what to wear. She is learning to match and I am determined to make her a fasionista someday. For now, as long as it is a dress she is happy to adorn it. Another love of Kendyl's is shopping. She is very good at pointing out things she thinks are beautiful. I am training her well. Fingernail painting to frilly dress ups...she is 100 % girl. However getting her hair done is a task all its own. No matter how much I tell her princesses need to have pretty hair she still hates it. And forget about flowers or bows in her hair. A style all her own I guess. Kendyl has also became friends with three other girls in our neighborhood. They are there own little posse all the same age. We had a tea party with them for her birthday. What a cute little crew they are. Kendyl is such a happy girl. She finds fun where ever she goes. I hope she keeps that part of her personality. Kendyl is a real treat to have as part of our family.

Wes has had an exciting year. He is still the Sales Director at the Sports Academy, on top of running his sleep lab, Sleep Dx. This last week, the lab was bought out by a larger group from Colorado. It was bitter sweet. We were very happy and proud of what he built, but happy that life might slow down a little. He still owns Gobiltiy Mobility and is excited about some new products he has added. He still has a handicap of 8 in golf, so he says, and has managed to teach me without killing me. He has, with a little push from me, taken up tennis. We even entered a tournament together this summer, mixed doubles and then he did a men's singles tournament this Fall. It makes me a little bit mad that he has picked it up so fast. As long as I can still kick his trash, I will be okay. Wes is a great dad and has fun with the kids. He loves taking Andre to Aggie basketball games and golfing. Kendyl sure has him wrapped around her finger. She also loves to go to Daddy's work and work with him. She is the cutest little sales rep and probably if you asked Wes helped him with a sale or two. I can't wait to see what Wes puts on his plate for 2010.

As for me I am loving be able to stay at home. I have to thanks Wes for that. I volunteer in Andre's class helping with reading groups. It is fun to be in the class room seeing Andre in that environment. Yes, I make Andre kiss me when I leave. I have to torture him a little. Most of my days are spent with the spunkiest little girl. She makes me laugh all day. I am still taking pictures and for the most part love it. I, however, never want it to be a job. I met a man in Vegas once that said he was an artist who likes to take pictures. That is the motto that I want to live by. Once I have it become a job, I no longer enjoy it and find myself less creative. I am an artist and love all things that I can create, whatever that might be. I am still finding time to play the best game in the world, tennis. I have made many friends playing and enjoy the workout I get. I have loved working in the yard this past year now that I have an official yard. I have loved learning about plants and flowers. I love my family and being a mom, however cliche it is, is the best job in the world.

We are still loving our house and our great backyard. We have deer and pheasants that share it with us . We also have ducks that appear in the creek in our back yard, that seem to come back every Spring. Last year a robin made its nest on our patio and we got to see the little blue eggs hatch and the birds get big and all fly away. The last one left in the nest jumped out and scared Wes sending him running and screaming like a girl. I got a lot of great photos of the birds and some great ones of Wes trying to put the bird back in the nest. Who knew a neighborhood would be this field with nature.

As a family we have had some great times together. This year's family trip was to San Diego in the end of September (hopefully I will get a post done. I really want to document our time there). We also had a lot of mini trips to my parents cabin in Island Park and to Bear Lake.We had camp outs and bonfire's in our back yard. Wes and I were able to take trip to Playa de Carmen, Mexico for our birthdays. We have had a great time this year and hope that next year brings some much needed sleep and great times as well.

We are so thankful for the Christmas season so that we can surround ourselves with the Savior's love and sincerely think of the birth of Jesus and what that meant to all of us. President Monson said in a talk that there is one question that is universal among people days after Christmas and that is "What did you get for Christmas?" he then says if we change but one word the in the Question the outcome is vastly different. "What did you give for Christmas." Some one has said "We make a life on what we get, but we build a life on what we give." Thus bringing in the real meaning of the Spirit of Christmas. President Monson also states. "To catch the real meaning of the Spirit of Christmas, we need only drop one syllable, and it becomes the Spirit of Christ."

We hope you have a joyful season of giving. We love you all. Merry Christmas

Monday, November 16, 2009

Halloween 2009
This year wasn't quit as warm as it was last year but it could have been worse. Andre was Obi-wan Kenobi and Kendyl was a Kitty-cat.




We took the kids down main street trick-or-treating during the day. Then made the rounds around the neighborhood at night.



Here is Kendyl with her Best friend that lives next door. It is so nice to have them so close. They have so much fun together and play together almost everyday.
Here is Kendyl with some more of her friends it is a great neighborhood and all theses girls are the same age and will all go to school together. They are all so cute. Please no one move away.



Andre takes playing his characters very serious. What a cutie.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Have you ever had days like this!!!

It seems like all my days are like this lately. Although I would not call it procrastination, more like distractions. You know how the day goes. let's have lunch early so I can get my stuff done. But then, Kendyl spills her milk and as I am cleaning it up I notice the whole floor is dirty so I decided to mop it. Then as I ring out the rag I remember the laundry that needs to be changed and so I changed it which reminds me that I need fabric soften so I need to run to the store and since I am out I remember that I need to take back library books. While at the library I remember that there are only 8 days till New moon the movie is out which leads me to squeal like a little girl. So when I get home I go to my computer to get my stuff done, but While I checking my emails I see this funny link my sister sent me that makes me laugh and so I decided to put it on my blog Which leads me to here making a post. With that done now I can get my stuff done. Oh wait it is time to go get Andre!!! I guess tomarrow I will have to get my stuff done.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Kendyl!!!
Today is our our sweet Kendyl 3rd birthday. WOW 3 where did he time go.

I wish she was feeling like this today......
But instead she is feeling like this.
Kendyl is in bed with the flu. What a yucky way to spend your birthday. I hope she gets feeling better soon. We love you Kendyl. You are such a important part to our family.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Summer rewind!!!
I know that I did not do any posts in the whole summer. So I decided to so a summer rewind. Our summer was jam pack from to sports to weekend getaways to just hanging out in our new back yard. I am feeling a little over whelmed in playing catch up but, it is important to me that I get these things documented. So I am going to start with the sports we ran here and there all summer.

First up Soccer
Technically that was in the spring but I did get this posted either. This soccer season was full of rain. Since all it seemed to do May and June was rain.


Next came Baseball
Well actually, it over lapped soccer a little for a while I thought I all I had time for was running Andre here and there. Poor Kendyl was such a trooper.


This year Andre's team was the Braves. Which was exciting for my family because we were all raised braves fans.









I had the opportunity to take the team's baseball pictures. The coach wanted action shots instead of the classic stand here and hold the bat shots. I could not have agreed more, that was until I realized how hard it was to get every single kid in an action pose. What a night mere. This was what they looked like.

Then came Golf Camp
This was Andre's second year at golf camp. This year he won an award for longest and straights drive. He drove it 130 yards. Way to go Andre. It is a little embarrassing to know that your son can drive the ball as far as you can...Maybe even farther.






Andre Celebrating a nice Putt. Yes!!! Good Job buddy.
Andre showing us how he handles a bad put. I have no idea where he could have got that from?

Next came a little me time, Tennis
I have finally declared some me time and for the past year I have been attending a cardio Tennis class. It has been so fun and I have made a lot of great friends. Tennis has always been my favorite sport to play.

Finally I got brave enough and played in my first Tournament. And even though I did do that great I decided to play in another tournament.

My first partner was Chelsea Sanders. My old neighbor I have played her when she was 8 months pregnent. She is hard core!!!

My second tournement doubles partner. Cathleen Smith a friend for cardio Tennis. Isn't she hot.

The greatest part of all my Tennis playing is now Wes has caught the tennis bug and began playing. I guess it is fair I took up golf for him. He is naturally very good at it which is great but, also pisses me off a little. The second tournament Wes and I play mixed doubles together and even won a match. We were exited and can't wait to play in another one.