Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Have you ever had days like this!!!

It seems like all my days are like this lately. Although I would not call it procrastination, more like distractions. You know how the day goes. let's have lunch early so I can get my stuff done. But then, Kendyl spills her milk and as I am cleaning it up I notice the whole floor is dirty so I decided to mop it. Then as I ring out the rag I remember the laundry that needs to be changed and so I changed it which reminds me that I need fabric soften so I need to run to the store and since I am out I remember that I need to take back library books. While at the library I remember that there are only 8 days till New moon the movie is out which leads me to squeal like a little girl. So when I get home I go to my computer to get my stuff done, but While I checking my emails I see this funny link my sister sent me that makes me laugh and so I decided to put it on my blog Which leads me to here making a post. With that done now I can get my stuff done. Oh wait it is time to go get Andre!!! I guess tomarrow I will have to get my stuff done.


Holly and Robert said...

I know exactly what you mean!! We need together soon!!

Angie Tolman said...

This is so totally how my life goes, and Nate always wonders why my to do list never gets done.

Tiffany said...

I am the QUEEN of procrastination! Drives Coby crazy....!

Lance Bettie and Calista said...

sounds familiar... although you have a cuter way of putting it!

Waiting to see pics of Halloween??? Put it on your list.

Lance Bettie and Calista said...

BTW, just checked out your EMBRACE blog. I hadn't seen it for a while.
You ar good! I love the dance pics. When Calista takes dance I m hiring you! (Don't tell my dad...shhh)

Janee said...

Tell me about it! My days exactly! LOL!

Shannon said...

Glad I could share this with you and you liked it. I don't think you are a procrastinator I think you are just a mom and a busy one! Now quit reading these comments and go get your stuff done :).

Angie Tolman said...

I had a question about the ballet teacher you had Kendyll go to. Can I get her info?

Anonymous said...

Seriously!! I can relate!