The Big Debut
Okay, it is finally here. Wesley's big acting debut. A while ago I did a post about Wes being in a commercial for Planet Fitness. One of Sports Academy's smaller fitness centers that they are expanding all over Utah and parts of Idaho. We finally have the copy of it, so, I thought you all might what to get a good laugh!!! I'm still in shock that Keith got Wes to do this. Wes has never loved the spot light. However, he has never had a problem taking one for the team. So I hope this commercial makes you laugh and entices you to go and join a planet fitness near you. Or, even better, the Sports Academy!!!
It is rather long, so if you just want to watch Wes, he is at the beginning and towards the middle and at the end. Look for the sweet head band. It is a little cheesy as you might expect.
Since I lost my pictures on all my old blog I thought I would put these pictures of Wes on here again. These were taking When he did the commercial.