Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Andre's Baptism

Andre got baptized on Saturday March 6th
It was a great day.
Wes baptized him and Andre asked his Grandpa Brad to confirm him. My sister Shannon gave a great talk about the Holy Ghost.
Andre loves me so much!!!!
Grandma and Grandpa Rhodes gave Andre a new set of scriptures
Grandma and Grandpa Archibald gave Andre an new case for his scriptures and some scritpture stickers.

Andre stole the show playing "I am a Child of God" on his guitar. He has been practicing the song for a month now. He did a great job and I am so proud of him. He has only been playing for 2 months.


Andre with his Guitar teacher, Tanner. Andre Idolizes him so much. Tanner is a great kid so I am glad that he has chose him to be a role model. Tanner is cool, hip, respectable, and better yet has a wonderful spirt.


Andre's Baptism invitaions

The next Sunday Andre bore his testimony. His was so cute. He went up there with such ease. He bore a great testimony and then shared a scripture with us. Something kind of random in 1 Nephi about children of God. Although he made up a few words he couldn't quite read, he did great. However after he was done reading, he just walk of the stand. I had to remind him that he needs to say "In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen" after he was finished. After a few mintues he had passed he had thumbed through the scriptures and found another scripture he wanted to read and went to stand up to read that one too. I suggest he save it for another time and that we should only go up once a meeting. What a great kid. You have to love his egarness.


Shannon said...

That is so cute! I bet everyone would have loved him going up there again. He has such a great spirit and I love him so much! What a great baptism and a great day!

Holly and Robert said...

Congrats, Andre!!1 Mandy I love the cake you did great!!! We loved seeing you guys!!