Easter dress re-due!!!
Since Wes and I were lying on a beach in Mexico over Easter we were not able to see the kids all dressed up in their new Easter digs. So the Sunday after we did a picture retake. They looked so cute.
Kendyl's Dress looked a lot like her dress last year, but I loved it!!!
Andre looked very sharp in his new suit.

I love this picture.

I love this picture even more!
A little story to remember! As Wes and I talked about getting the kids new church clothes, Andre piped in and asked if he could have suit. So he could dress like dad. Wes and I didn't really say anything. I figured I would just get him a shirt and tie since summer was coming and maybe get a suit for his baptism next year. Andre just kept talking about getting a new suit for the next few weeks. On Saturday morning during conference he made a very important point that all the General Authorities were wearing suits and he wanted to wear one like them! Talk about the ultimate persuasion technique, he must get his sales skills from Wes. So in between conference Andre and I set out to get him a suit. He was so excited and just keep saying he could not wait to wear it to church the next day. I told him it was conference and that we weren't going to church. He was a little deflated until he decide that he would make a "new rule." This rule was that we had to wear our Church clothes to watch conference. So Sunday morning he got up and put on his suit. He looked so cute with his suit on and his bed head raging. I am very ashamed to say that the rest of us did not abide by the new rule and we stayed in our jammies!!! I feel bad to this day because after about 40 mins Andre decided to go change. I wish I had not deflated his sail. Needless to say, he was very excited the next week, Easter Sunday, to get in his suit for real. We unfortunately were in Mexico and I missed him a lot that morning. In fact we attended a Mexican ward and even though I didn't understand anything that was being said I cried steadily through out it. I know it was because I was thinking of my son and what a great child of God he is. He truly has a great foundation for his testimony already. I found this little hymn book Wes had on his mission and Andre was so excited about it and asked if he could take it with him in with these old Scriptures that I also had found from when I was a kid. Every week during sacrament meeting he pulls the hymn book out and does his best to sing along. Last week we started singing "how firm a foundation" and he said, "I love this song." He then told me that he was going to mark with the ribbon bookmark so that he would know always where it was. I checked and it is still marked. The excitement he gets from the scriptures, the joy he has singing hymns in his very own little hymn book, to the excitement he gets about dressing like the Prophet is truly inspiring. Thanks Andre for being a great example.